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    Application for Graduate Assistantship 2024-2025

    Please enter your name and information as it appears on the application for admission.

    This application is for positions in the 2024-2025 academic year beginning in the Fall 2024 term.
    Are you interested in teaching a biology lab course?
    Are you interested in teaching a biology lab course?
    Are you interested in teaching a chemistry lab course?
    Are you interested in teaching a chemistry lab course?

    Please note: Graduate Assistantships are typically awarded for the academic year with possible opportunity for renewal for a second year provided a 3.00 GPA or better is maintained, have made sufficient progress towards completion of degree requirements, and have performed at an acceptable level of service during the first year. Evaluations are conducted annually by supervisors. Performances that are judged unsatisfactory are subject to having the assistantship rescinded.

    Deadline: Applications should be submitted by February 1st however, it is possible for review if submitted after this deadline. All hiring departments will have access to view all graduate assistant applications. Once a decision from the department is made, they will make a recommendation to their Dean for approval. Assistantship agreements and all related paperwork are issued and managed through the Office of Graduate Academic and Student Services. For additional information about the Graduate Assistantship Program, please contact Dr. Lisa LoBasso by email.